Hi, i'm Oliver. Massive fan of almost everything tbh, top seven OTPs: Destiel, Kylux, Grandence+ Newt, Ereri, Johnlock, Sterek, Zowen Any questions about me or want to breed horses? My Private Message box is Always open. I still have my first horse! Her name is Those About To Rock and she is located in the 'Never To Sell' tab
Am I Selling?
Want any of my horses? Message me to inquire if they are for sale. Want a foal from a pair of mine? The only horses that will NEVER be for sale are in the Never To Sell tab. Other horses have a high chance of being sold to anyone. ALSO, If I say no to selling a horse to you, Do Not throw a fit and whine about it. And if you do, there is a high chance I will block you. I'm sorry if that sounds rude but, really? Grow up.
Ezra Miller is honestly pure and I love him <3

protect them tbh, little loves