INACTIVE PLAYER (SEMI-QUIT): I'm sorry if your messages have not been answered. It's not my intention to ignore your message at all; however, I've really spent too much time on this game over the years and I haven't liked any of the new changes since 2016. (8 years is a long time). I only log in enough to not let my account deleted, so my apologies if there's something urgent you need from me. I can't give you another method of contacting me unfortunately for fear of my safety; however, I wish you luck in finding someone else who can help you out.
Starry Requiem is a contrast coat I've been searching for, for nearly four years after I saw a similar coat for sale at that time. Around July this year (2015), I managed to find someone with the same coat, and was ecstatic when she sold her to me. I traded 2 DAs for 1 contrast. Let me reitarate...I TRADED 2DAS FOR HER. While she is my DA, I have promised to return her to her former owner if I quit before her, so she isn't for sale. Thank you for understanding. Those who ask to buy her will receive a polite reply saying exactly this, so kindly do take that into account before asking.
Ahem, to the players who have asked half a dozen times about Starry Requiem: Please read the above again. I know you want her. I understand and I'm sorry, but like I said, I have a promise that I need to upkeep. Also...she has a name. I gave it to her. More importantly "I traded 2DAs for 1 contrast" - Passes aren't worth a whole lot to me, sorry.
...Look, ok, people? I will repeat this for the third time becuase no one seems to read the profile before they ask. STARRY REQUIEM IS NOT FOR SALE! I HAVE NOT YET MADE THE DECISION TO SELL HER AND YOU BET I WILL TELL THE WORLD WHEN SHE IS! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, STOP ASKING.
An introduction to Akira
Now that I'm older and still cringing at this old profile, I want to write something new but currently don't have anything to put here.
For more snoopy players: I'm an adult player who started playing as a child. I (for better or worse) have a lot of experience in this game and have one or two tactics to earn equus and bring up skillers. Pm me if you need a few tips. I'm not on much, but I'll try.
About me and my game and my past:
Hi, I'm Akira135. I adore horses and once loved riding them before I became an adult and realised how expensive it was. I would like to continue; however, for the sake of my privacy, I'll leave it at that.
(This was written in 2013 by a stupid, young teen Akira) Thinking back I was a really terrible in 2011. It took 3 long months on the game just to earn 50K!! If you're in a similar position don't fret, even chrissyh would have had some trouble at some point. With horses GP getting higher and higher, its getting more and more frustrating for new players to find cheap skilled horses. In time you'll pick up bits and pieces of useful information. I started my 100K's ($100 000's) by selling 1100skiller at 45K, that's really expensive for such a low skiller (In 2019, I realise how stupid this statement is now). It took me a year relying only on friend's advice (I tell a lie. I had no friends) and forum posts to learn how to train and blup a horses properly to their full potential and higher. Now I'm a decent player, nowhere near the top but I'm still proud of my achievement. Why? because more than half the population that rules howrse are pass-buyers, and me, I'm just your average person who's you could meet just walking along the street. (What was young Akira thinking when she wrote this ?)
(Update: 2/08/2016...this is when I realize how many mistakes I made while I was writing this intro. There are probably still some, but my current grasp of the English language isn't enough to correct the whole thing.)
(Updates: 18/06/2019...What is wrong with your brain, young Akira! Why is your profile filled with so much trash! No one needs to know your life story!)
Anime, Anime, Anime!!! (I'm sorry..I was young when I wrot this list. Stop cringing)
Messages (You know....cause I was lonely as a kid.)
Sale Proposals (No. Just no. Not anymore. Don't lowball. Be reasonable please.
Auctions (Can't poach horses anymore ^^")
Forum contest-no banners- don't have the time and can't post them on
Have more than 200 000e(i did at one stage i just spent it all-lol that was a long time ago)
Own an element (preferably the fire or metal I own all of them now pegasus uni version too)
Own a bewitched pumpkin(She's in the 'blossoming fruits tab175 000e name: Clockwork Angel)
Own a 1400skiller(She's in the 'The Elite Uchiha' tab Name: Koyomi Neko sold)
Own a 1500 skiller(yay!! Unstained Blood became a 1500skiller sold)
Have more than 5 GA coats (i did anyway)
Own a RC(In the 'Blossoming Fruits' tab)
Have more than 500K in reserve(gonna take a while I did it!!!)
own a unicorn(one sided love 'The Elite Uchiha tab sold I currently have a collection in the tab that's in Chinese. (really I just wanteded to see if i could name a tab in Chinese)
get above the 3000th ranking(not happening anytime happened!!! I WAS in the 1000's...then gave up...and settled down in the 8000's what a fall [from power] haha)
auction an item(HOP for 90k and a 62* paint filly <--2012 that gp was high back then)
Set up a giveaway(don't have things to give away or sacrifice yet)
Have a 2000+ skiller (Multiple now...should i start aiming higher's a pain in the rear end though)
Own a da ( I have one...oh goodness...what metor struck earth?!
Have more than 1million $(I'veddone it!!)
Collect all 5 of the 5th element (hip hip horay!! Complete)
Collect all the bewitched pumpkins (is i had this --> $$ maybe, but if i bought them all i'd have to build my foundation up from dirt again!)
have 100 ga/rc/da (not happening for another 1000 days I assure you)
own 10 da (one away-been one away since 700+ days To get my contrast I traded 2 da, sold 2 and that how I fell down to only a pitiful 6. Pitiful, but oh well, I got my contrast)
Get an A in maths, english, chem and bio (this is supposed to be goals not miracles I'm afraid that for the rest of my life this will remain unfilfilled since I've already graduated from high school...there's a forever alone, but now there's also a forever unfulfilled)
Thanks for reading!!!
(for those intent on rousing a passive aggressive sleeping lion, read below)
this is from my friend Horsewuv do not steal plz!!! 1/10/12
There's a saying "Don't rouse sleeping lions" I think it goes.
In this case, I'm the sleeping lion, don't try me for freebies, Do not speak rudely, true I will always give you a polite reply, but that doesn't mean that I like being spoken rudely to. Don't look down on me because I'm not as old as you. I will experience the world in my own time. Don't pity me because I can't buy passes, I don't need them. Don't give ridiculous offers on my horses especially my diamond apples. Whatever I sell, I will make a profit out of. Asking for any of my favourite horses for 500e will get you no where, I will not sell ANY horse for 500e. You can offer on any of my horses, don't expect me to always sell them though. Don't try to control my game as if you know what I'm doing. Don't reserve horses for me without a PM, I never check reserved sales. Don't EVER ask for my equus, unless I'm quitting or holding a giving away you should know that I earned every dollar of my equus myself. I've NEVER cheated anyone, and I have no intention of cheating anyone on howrse. Oh and remember this, my DA are only for sale on my terms, but no, unless there are passes attached, i'm not interested.
If you intended to laugh at me or make fun of me, no I won't report you, but if you can tell me it on screen, buck up and say it to my face.
Final notes:
BEFORE you sell a horse, put your cursor on ever third 0 e.g. 1 cursor 000 cursor 000 and make sure you have the right amount of 0s hence you will no long sell your $500 000 for $50 000. Never gone wrong <-- there's the reason...except for auctions you know 5seconds left from $5000 to $50 000 <--now that made me feel like an idiot...