Currently Working On Overhauling Everything, Back From A Several Year Hiatus 
Next Magic Factory 500 EQ Unicorn Raffle Will Be Open From 6/1/25 until 8/31/25! View Affix Here
About Me- Long-time Howrse player. I accept all friend requests and I am very friendly but quiet. I started playing on 6/13/2011. I still have my first pair of horses: I Believe In You and Speckledheart. They are very special to me and will never be sold.
- Semi-Active player. I come and go whenever I have the time to spare.
- Adult player from the USA, she/her.
- Hobbyist artist who enjoys casual roleplaying, but again, only when I have the time.
- Was super into Warrior Cats for a really long time and used to play Howrse with the sole purpose of creating/joining clan roleplays.
- Plays several other horse sim games as well as Planet Zoo, WolfQuest, and most recently Paleo Pines.
- I have two pets: A 7-year-old mini rex bunny and a 3-year-old fluffy menace (aka: a cat). I love talking about them and their antics!
- I do not care about horses being purebred of not. If they are already from a non-purebred line, I don't see the harm in pairing them to non-purebred horses just for the fun of it.
- Willing to accept offers on most horses, all sales are negotiable. Please do not continue to make offers if I tell you the horse is not for sale as these horses are often special to me in some way. Most adult unicorns are not for sale as they are used for breeding, but unnamed foals are often open for sale/trade offers. I am hoping to re-arrange my horse tabs to make it clearer which horses are not for sale.
- I will purchase elderly unicorns and frequently browse the sales for them, especially if they are not a breed I currently have or are a breed I would like to have a new stallion for.
- I sell cheap. All direct sales are always negotiable, always feel free to make an offer.
- I frequently auction off cheap unwanted colts to try and buffer my losses on the cost of breeding.
- I mostly focus on breeding Unicorns. If you are interested in purchasing one from a particular mare, please reach out.
- The Next Magic Factory Raffle will open for the summer on 6/1/25! I am trying a new, experimental tactic by allowing a longer window for entry. That Raffle will be closing on 8/31/25. Good luck!
Note To Self:
- I really want to change my username from my weird old Warrior OC name, that also doesn't really make sense, to something that I currently would use as soon as I get enough spare passes to do so. (When not working on other projects)
- Sort horses, maybe sell a few.
- Make this page more organized and less ugly... Someday.