Love you too, darling! Thank you! *great big hug*


Just a young adult enjoying her small corner of the internet. 
Proud Slytherin. Clever. Determined. Resourceful. 
Currently loving I Love Lucy, hence the toast gifs! 
Shows I love and always recommend: Doctor Who, The West Wing, Psych, NCIS: Los Angles, Fraggle Rock. 
There is rarely ever a moment that I'm not listening to music, NEEDTOBREATHE and Jon Bellion are in the current rotation. "Banks" by NTB and "Weight of the World" by Jon Bellion are the two being played the heaviest. (p.s. the band CAMINO is also *chefs kiss*)
Child of God. Loved by the Creator of the Universe. Priceless.
Avid ballet nerd, I've danced classical ballet for 14 years, and I'm passionate about Vaganova and Russian ballet. 
Introvert, INTJ, cat lover. Keep the drama to a minimum, and we'll get along fine. 
Student of the Great Books. Aristotle plays a larger role in history than we think sometimes, imo.
Great Lakes girl. There is nothing in there that wants to eat you. The rocks just might try to jump scare you. (don't tell them that i told you.)
Admirer of the Rocky Mountains, "the mountains are calling and I must go". 
Hockey fan, Detroit Red Wings & Carolina Hurricanes. Goalies are my faves, don't @ me.






Updated: (minor) June 2021