About Me

As you can see I like spirit and Pokemon I also like Frozen, Yu-gi-oh 5D's, the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, White Fang 1 and 2, Balto 1, 2 and 3 and Megamind.. I have a pet dog called Tilula-Rose. At the moment I am writing a story on Wattpad called "The Epic Souls". My favorite animals are wolves and they have been since I was about 3 and a half. I love every type of animal and I go horses riding a lot. I have a younger sister who is also on howrse, her user name is Wolf800. I also like to RP when I'm online.

My Objectives

  1. To get every breed of horse, pony and donkey.
  2. To have a Pegasus.           
  3. To have a Female Unicorn.
  4. To breed a Unicorn.            
  5. To make Prince immortal.
  6. To make Princess immortal. 
  7. To get a male Unicorn
  8. To  get 100.000 Equus (Spent some of it)
  9. To get a golden apple coat for Prince.
  10. To get a golden apple coat for Princess.
  11. To make a female Unicorn immortal.
  12. To make a male Unicorn immortal.
  13. To get a golden apple coat for a female unicorn.
  14. To get a golden apple coat for a male Unicorn.
  15. To get a female Purebred Spanish Horse Unicorn.
  16. To get a male Purebred Spanish Horse Unicorn
  17. To get 1.000.000 Equus. (Spent some of it though xD)
  18. To get a Divine Horse.
  19. To get a Wild Horse.
  20. To be congratulated 1000 time's.
  21. To own 250 horses.
  22. To be congratulated 1700 times
  23. To own 300 horses.
  24. To breed a Gypsy Vanner with 130 stars or more.
  25. To come up with more objectives.

My Role Plays (RPs)

In my forum I have an RP which is called the Frozen RP, which is based a few months after what happened in the movie, another RP called the Elegits (Chosen Ones) which is kind of like an elemental RP where you can be a wolf or a human. I have another one called Gold Dust which is a shapeshifter  RP. as well as a set of RPs which are elemental wolf ones which are called The Dancing Snow Pack and the Black Ravens Pack and a new set of ordinary wolf pack RPs which are called the Epic Souls Pack and the Shadowed Intells pack which are haven't started yet.


My Horses and Sale

None of my horses are currently for sale and if any of them become for sale then they will be in the Auctions or Direct Sales.

Also DO NOT ask me if you can buy any of my horses that are not in the sales section as I will say no to it. Especially with those listed in My Favourite Horse Tab or any of my Uni and Gypsy's.


Things that people have made for me

31901325.jpg in the bad weatherBLA BLA BLA


Random things

25839010.gifPut spirit on your page so he can travel the world


1650117gq6crbryh3.gifif your a wolf lover put this on your page!

Help these wolves run all over howrse! Copy and paste them to your own page!29378606.gif

thd013.gifThis horse wants to travel around howrse put this on your page if you want this to happen

th11d80ca5.gifthis ribbon means  I'm against horse slaughter. Please put this on ur page as well if u agree.!

Only 5% of girls like Pokemon. Copy and paste this to your page if you are a girl and one of the 5% that like Pokemon. wolf_banner.jpg

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