
About MerlinRules

Heyy everyone, i'm MerlinRules an adult female from the UK ;D I have 4 horses of my own - a Warmbllood, a Shetland, a Welsh x Shetland and a Thoroughbred, plus my beautiful Cob x Warmblood who sadly left for the Rainbow Bridge this year :'(
I'm here for the same reason as the rest of you - to breed and train horses to the best of their ability and simply enjoy this wonderful game. At the moment I am currently most interested in Thoroughbreds and Paints which I specialize in, but I take anything really, I haven't been that active lately but I am getting back into it again now and trying to build up my collection again!




Anything that is in my "For Sale" Breeding Farm I am willing to negotiate prices with so just send me a message if you're interested!


I am willing to trade items in return for cash. I am also willing to trade howrses, and trade coverings. Please DM me if you have anything you want to trade or discuss and we can sort it out! 

My Howrses

At the moment, I currently specialize in KWPN's and TB's but I will have anything really. 
Always looking out for a good deal so pm me if you have any unwanted horses!

I will accept all friend requests, and big thankyou to all the people who have congratulated me on my game. 


If you are interested in breeding with any of my mares or stallions, please feel free to inbox me to discuss coverings, prices, information etc - happy to give free coverings in return for getting one back :D

All my howrses are fully blupped and bolded before breeding from :D 


For Sale

I aren't going to be selling much now as trying to build up my collection, but occasionally I will have some For Sale! I will be selling them for what I think they are worth, and am really trying to improve on my breeding! If you have your eye on anything then feel free to Direct Message me and we can potentially sort something out if its one I would be willing to part with! I am also willing to trade!
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