I'm Silverstag89 and I love horses!  I don't own any horses in real life, but I hope to soon. (I do have 5 dogs, 5 cats, a parrot, and a leopard gecko though. ^).png?w12la4zfo9)  I hope you enjoy your visit and I hope to make new friends too! :D.png?zerjkgzey 

horsetx1.gif                                  2514807g2of6d1kux.gif
Please congratulate me and I'll do the same for you. :D.png?fgpqs5fds7w
(I'll also congratulate you if I notice that you gave one of my horses an apple. ;).png?zjfvkzjbe)

I am currently breeding: Donkeys, PoniesHot-Bloods, Warm-Bloods, and Cold-Bloods (respectively).

My Breeder Stallions:  Stalemate (Thoroughbred), Sunset Knight (Appaloosa), Herbie (Quarter Horse), Guilty Spark (Arabian), Jersey (Paint Horse), Flynn (PSH), Bayblade (Irish Hunter), Onyx Reach (Friesian), Bone Guarder (Mustang), Io (Mustang), Sandy (Mustang), Parabatai (Mustang), Dundee (Brumby), Xavier (Marwari), Jupiter (Fjord), Dr. Whooves (Gypsy Vanner), and Nebula (Knabstrupper).

I also own quite a few Divines and Wild Horses too!! (7).png?na4qsfhac  

Home of my Mustang, Emma! One of the chosen "Best of the Breed" on 7/15/2011!! :-)).png?wh8ou713a7ou(7).png?wh8ou713a7ou


