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You see a kid abusing a puppy with a baseball bat.
97% of people would yell “STOP!”
2% of them would cheer,
1% of them would take the baseball bat and hit the kid and take puppy to the vet.
Post this on your profile if you are that

Put this on your page if you're against animal abuse

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
BEST FRIENDS: Are the reasons you have no food.
FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
BEST FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
BEST FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying "Dang ... we messed up ... but man that was fun"
FRIENDS: Never seen you cry.
BEST FRIENDS: Have a wet shoulder from your tears
FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
BEST FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget its yours.
FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd that left you.
FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
FRIENDS: Will talk meanly to the person who talks meanly about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Will knock them out.
FRIENDS: Will read this.
BEST FRIENDS: Will steal this, and put it on their profile.

Photo Sharing and Veo Hosting at Photobucket Put this one on your page if your against abuse


Now, this is freaky...DO NOT CHEAT!! (You'll will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, but if you follow the instructions to the end you'll be surprised!!!! It worked for me-really it did!!!I could not believe it!!

All of my answers were accurate.  Take 3 minutes and try this...it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a funny/spooky outcome.

Don't read ahead...just do it in order! It takes about three minutes...it's worth a try

First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.

Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!

1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.

2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.

3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of boys if your a girl and the opposite if your a boy.


4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.

5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.


6. Finally, make a wish.

And now the key for the game.....

1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.

2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.

3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.

4. You care most about the person you put in 4

5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.

6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.

7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.

8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.

9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.

10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life 

NOW...put this on your site within the hour you read this...IF you do..your wish will come true. If you don't it will become the opposite!!!