I'm Kala from the US version of Howrse, figuring I'll use my knowledge from the other game on this version of the game. I am an adult player. I will accept any and all friend request.
Anyone who congratulates me will get it back as soon as I see it.
To let anyone know this, once a horse or foal is bought by me, it is mine to do with as I please, like removing the horns or the wings or even changing its name. Once the equus has been exchanged and the horse or foal has been transferred over to me, I will do with it as I please. If you didn't want your horse or foal's name to be changed, then by all means don't sell it.
And if you buy one of my horses, I will not note you stating don't change his or her name as that is rude for you now own that horse and I don't anymore and you can name him or her whatever you wish. But if you choose to keep the name as it is, that's fine by me too.
I will also decide at my discretion whether or not to sell a horse that you had once owned and would like back. If I purchased a horse from another person and the original breeder of that horse, wishes to have the horse back, that decision will be at my discretion as well.
Thank you and have a wonderful day or evening wherever you may be.