Hello and WELCOME to my page. Very happy to have you be scrolling through. Send a congratulation and I'll send one back. I mostly just focus on my Highland Thoroughbreds and bulping them out.
My name is BWN and I am a proud member of Howrse! I am friendly and easy to work with (sales, breeding, bulping, and collecting)
I am a long time member of I started out on this game from the beginning and have seen the graphics before modern howrse and phone apps.
In real life I ride and own my own horse. I am a mother to another horse lover, and I live in a all season state.
I keep records of my Highland Thoroughbreds. This is my most recent mare. Loretta 2,354 stars and genetic potential
I believe we should be able to cross breed to make new breeds and still consider them purebred! copy and paste to your page if you agree!
How to Create an AP Farm:
Go to horse sales>direst sales>click 'price' to display cheapest horses> buy as many of those cheap horses as you can afford. (Keep in mind you'll need to afford to put them in equestrian centers) You'll need to put all those into one breeding farm and label it "AP Farm" or something along those lines; it can be whatever you want as long as you know what it is. Then you just care for the horses each day and you'll rack up aging points. Any mares you buy, you'll want to breed them as much as possible so you can get new ap horses without buying new foals from sales. If you can afford it, you should buy pregnant mares to help get you started.