
my info

Hi everyone welcome to my page hope you like and enjoy my layout. I am an adult player if you have any questions just ask i will answer them freely. 

welcome all

If you want one of my horses just ask and i will see what i can do but my imortals are not for sale and neither is my unicorn sorry. I am currently trying to breed my unicorn so coverings for her is greatly appreciated and if you would like a foal from one of my mares reserve your station for me and send me a message to let me know . Im on here daily and aging points are apreciated and if you congradulate me i will congradulate you back. I also have an ec center so check it out and if you would like to board with me let me know and i will reserve you a spot just let me know the horses name. happy gaming to everyone.  Also i am looking for philosipher stones,fertility wands,golden apples,and medusa's blood send me the price u want to sell it for and ill get back to you as soon as i can. i am also looking to buy any cheap unicorns u are wanting to get rid of so before you safe haven your unicorns come talk to me thanks. I also have the following for sale make an offer to me or i am currently looking for devines if you would like to trade for item plus some money

piece of cloud x4

diamond x2

boreas lunge x1

philosipher stone x2

like i said before make me an offer or im looking for devines and special horses  so if you want an item and some money let me know id really love one of thos horses i have wanted one for a while now but everyone has very high standards for the prices they want happy gaming everyone.


Layout designed by coxst911