Hi there! I see you've stumbled across my profile.
I joined Howrse wayyy back in 2010 when Equestrian Centers had companions, the Diamond Apple and Saltblock were items, the divine "Mist" didn't exist, so on a so forth. Obviously, in 9+ years the game has changed a lot (Ubisoft just wants that $$$) and I no longer play it. I just log in once in a blue moon or so to see how thick the dust has gotten.
So if my once great Equestrian Center is now in shambles, my forum is dead, and my horses haven't haven't been aged or anything in forever, then that's why.
This game holds... a lot of memories for me. Maybe one day I'll come back and write a better inscription on what's now more or less my gravestone but today is not that day.
Happy Trails,