Hey! I am an adult girl from Germany, and totally addicted to this little game here. I used to spend more time online, but I do work full time and also have a rich social life, so I don't have that much time left that I used to..

~Crossing Elegance~

After some time of trying out different things, I got  stuck at crossbreeding. I cross arabs, friesians, lusitanos and PSH to high-skilled horses. All my horses of the Affix ~Crossing Elegance~ descend from my very first PSH mare Marilynn. By now I have reached a GP of over 1350 and my horses used to make it to the elite boards on a regular basis. My goal was to breed a horse which has in all skills a GP over 200.
On April, 9th, I reached my goal and bred This Amazing Filly, which is the first one in my ~Crossing Elegance~ line to have a GP of over 200 in all skills! Since then I lost a bit interest and time, so I don't keep up with the GP race anymore.. Every once in a while I blub a horse for fun, and maybe I will catch up again.
 Most of
my horses are for sale at the right offer, so just ask. I can't and wont sell my divines, so don't ask. Also, all my stallions offer coverings, again, and I am generally willing to breed a foal of your choice out of any of my mares, again, just ask.

ஐℳythical ℬeautyஐ

Sometimes, I also breed unicorns of various breeds, mainly friesians, gypsys and knabstrubbers. If anybody wants to have a unicorn, pm me, and I may sell you a unicorn of your choice for the right offer or put you on my unicorn waiting list. But please don't be dissappointed as I might not have that much time to breed unicorns. Also, I do expect passes for them.

Other Stuff

I may have some BM items for sale, among others Water of Youth, Pandoras Box and a Philosophers Stone.  Just pm me with an offer :)
I am almost always in need for chronos timer, morpheus arms, hera package and all such stuff. So if you can offer something for a reasonable price, just pm me. I also accept those bm items instead of passes when I sell a horse.

Well, thats enough for now, I hope you all have a lot of fun here :)