Will buy foundation ponies/horses WITH Philosopher's Stone and bonuses for 40k. Or trade for many, many pandora's boxes. PM me if you have any you are looking to sell. 
Also have items to trade; lots of pandora's boxes and medusa's blood, etc.. Will trade/sell for equus!
My story: I have tried to breed welsh ponies, Trakehners, appaloosas, etc. Believe it or not, I've actually been on this game since 2010. Seniority doesn't show it... oops. :)
Make offers on horses if you want them; no guarantees I'll be logged in soon enough to see the message before it gets deleted, but if you're persistent then I'll likely see your request eventually. *Does not guarantee I will sell you the horse. GA, RC, and Unicorns are harder for me to let go of...