Yay! I just got my first special! A Harlequin!
Hello! Welcome to my page!! I'm sulje, but you knew that already! I just want to give a HUGE shout-out to Kitsumi for helping me code this layout. First time without help from a genorator! Thanks!
I am a massive Sherlock fan! (as you can probaby tell from my new layout). I had Sherlock withdrawal symptoms when series two ended, so I started the read the books. I made the thing at the top myself (although I don't own any of the pics). Please do net steal
I mainly breed Chincoteague Ponies! Aren't they just adorable!!!
Man! You're still reading! WHY!! I wouldn't be! This is probably the most boring thing that you have ever read. You must think there is some sort of post of gold at the rainbow, ah? Well, maybe you're right.......... You'll have to wait and see!
Feel free to OFFER to buy my horses, but I cannot tell you they'll be accepted. If I get a GOOD price for a horses that I was thinking of selling, then maybe we'll talk!
I make avatars, banners and simple layouts like this, free of charge! Order now!!!
Please tell me about any contests you are holding. I often look out for-
Colouring Contests
Banner Contests
Writing Contests
PM me if you are having one and I will check it out! But dont kill me if I dont enter!
Still waiting for that pot of gold? Well, you've been really nice reading this far. But are you worthy......?
Are you?
Still thinking!
Oh, go on then! Thank you for reading!

Made by sulje. Do not steal
PLEASE put this on your page if you know someone or are related to someone who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable, and in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this on their page, because they have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower... armed with fire extinguishers, and the remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post this.