Hello there Howrse players! I am Squiggle2903!
Bit about me...
I first played Howrse when it started in 2007, sadly I deleted the game a few years later as I had no time to play it, but not long started again under a new name Squiggle2903 in 2010. For a while I played but then took a huge break again due to life commitments, (I got my own real life horse!) I restarted playing frequently this year and now play every day!
In real life I compete my horse at local showjumping, cross country, gymkanas and am now starting dressage. Hopefully competing my first ODE at the end of july.
Please note! I am a 17yr old female player, this is the only information I will give out about myself, I will not discuss my real life to anyone on this game, so just any players who want to try and chat me up or want to find out more details .... I will not give any!!
