Hey all, I started this game as a wee young lassie in 2013. I am now an adult player who still enjoys Howrse.
To give you an idea of how long I've been here...
- I remember when Howrses did not have 1,000 GP! I had a Howrse with 950 skills that was in the top 100.
- Xanthos was the divine EVERYONE wanted
- I began playing before rosettes were awarded!
- There was only one Western competition and you could swap horse tack to do it
- Only the international server existed
- Shutterfly's splint boot was the bees knees BM item :)
- Diamond Apples were sold in the BM
- Passes were measured in units of 1... so 100 passes these days was 1 back in the day.
- You could purchase passes with bitcoin! And a bitcoin was worth roughly $2! If only I had invested in it then
Happy Howrsing all!!