
I am an 20 year-old female player - please make sure if you are a minor that you ask your parents before starting a conversation with me! I love to chat, so feel free to introduce yourself!  

I own one horse in life - well, used to, but I still see her. If you want to know more about this situation just ask! Her barn name is Ebony, and her registered name (on the Appaloosa registry) is Fancy Lil' Buckeye. She is a 24 year-old Appaloosa/Quarter horse cross. We used to compete in both Western and English styles, mainly Hunter/Jumper and english / western flatwork. She currently resides about 45 minutes away from me, so I don't get to see her very much, but I still consider her my baby!

I have recently taken a hiatus from the hobby, but for a while I was really into obedience training my dogs. I have two - Charlie, an all-american mutt (he has everything from cocker spaniel, to pitbull, to dachshund in him...), who made it to Open classes, and Cooper, a chocolate lab (we think he might have some german shepard in him, though!), who is in Novice classes. I love this hobby with all my heart, but as I begin university I have found very little time to pursue it. :c

PS: If I send you a friend request, it's probably because you popped up on my Sapphire's page!


I am not a player focused on collecting (as you can see, I am currently selling what once was my collection) and instead I have decided to set my sights on breeding for higher GPs. Having recently returned from an unexpected hiatus, I have transferred from breeding Knabstruppers to Tennessee Walkers and Nokotas.

I am always looking for these BMIs to assist me in my endeavors:

If you have an extras and are interested in selling, just shoot me a message!
