Hello there!My name is francescaprior, I am currently a breeder of the Lusitano breed.
I am currently BULPing my Lusitano horses and Arcus will be offering coverings in the future as soon as he reaches 100% on his BULP. I am currently riding a Irish Sport Horse Gelding (Called Doyle) in real life to improve my jumping, ground work and control due to having to get rid of Strika due to the need of Physiotherapy for my back.
I am currently in need of BO's and ZB's and Aphrodite's tears PM me with an offer.
I am not currently looking to sell any horses at the moment but I may when I have more Lusitanos, however I will likely not be selling any of my best. (Arcus, Schocomilch, Peaceful Tyranny, Victoriam, Sinakar, Enigma, Lost Light or any other horse with a name that is a Transformers character or inspired by Transformers).)
If you haven't guessed I LOVE Transformers and video games. My favourite games are Borderlands (1, 2, PS and TFTB), Fallout (3, NV, 4), Mass Effect (1, 2, 3) and Dragon Age: Inquisition (DA:I). I also play the video game Paladins competitively (against Grandmasters, Masters, Platinum and Diamond) and Overwatch as a more relaxing one (against bots). Currently looking for a squad on Paladins, I can speak fluent German and English and weak French and Spanish. I like a lot of movies but I love the Bayverse movies for (you guessed it) Transformers. I love all versions of transformers apart from one which shall not be named

My favourite Autobots are: Optimus Prime (Orion Pax), Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Chromia, Ironhide, Tailgate, Cyclonus (IDW Continuity), Whirl (IDW Continuity), Megatron (IDW Continuity), Pharma, Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, more to come.
My favourite Decepticons are: Megatron, Arachnid, Soundwave, Shockwave, Steve, Tarn, Helex, Tesarus, Nickel, Kaon, Vos, Brawl, Barricade, Onslaught, Ravage, Lazerbeak, Buzzsaw, Rumble, Frenzy, more to come.
"If you want to break someone—mentally, physically, emotionally—wait until they're happy. Let them live and love and thrive. Once they recognize the value of a life well lived... THAT'S when you move in for the kill. Because you can't take anything from someone who has nothing to lose." - Tarn, 'The Sun In Flight'. (Rest In Pieces Tank Dad)
Information that you may or may not care about:
Agender (They-Their-Them)/ 4"11 dwarf/ Cosplayer
Strong member of the Decepticons, Sentinel for the Brotherhood of Steel, Overboss of Nuka World, Inquisitor Adaar, Inquisitor Carta, High Dragon Slayer, a Fateless one, member of the Dark Brotherhood, leader of the Theives Guild, the Dragonborn, a member of the Mystics, tribesman of the Wenja, a furry, totally Handsome Jack, a Mechromancer, a Siren, an Assassin, a Soldier, a Berzerker, a Gunzerker, a Tomb Raider, a follower of the Creed, a side saddle rider and an fanfiction writer... What could possibly go wrong?!
Location: next to Soundwave scrolling through your search history and sliding into them dos
I'd love to see the Irish Draught in the Draft Horse breeds!