Don't mind my username..I was 13
**Please do not PM me asking to list more public coverings. If I log on and I have time to care for multiple horses, I will automatically create them. If I don't, your PMs are not going to magically grant me spare time; they only serve to get under my skin and in response I often just wait longer to offer more coverings.
**Coverings from QH unicorn stallions above my current GP release (8378.28) available for reserved coverings to approved mares. PM to discuss eligibility.**
**When my sales are listed as negotiable, that means I am willing to negotiate for an amount in the opposite form of currency. For example, if I'm selling a horse for equus, you can make a pass offer, but I will not go lower in equus, and vice versa. All offers not following this will be ignored.
** I have bought more than enough QH unicorns to know what they are worth based on their genetics, training, and BMIs. I also personally hate lowball offers, and I will never send one on a horse marked negotiable. That being said, I do realize people value some aspects of a horse more than others and assign their own worth to certain things...good luck getting them to sell that far above market value though!
** I don't stomp. I have better things to do with my life than follow your pixels around the interwebs and try to prevent them from winning, so don't accuse me of it via PM. I DO, however, BLUP horses regularly, which involves me entering them in all of the easiest competitions I can it does for most people. If my horse keeps beating yours just wait it out, they only need 20 wins...
**I will pay a LOT for the coat linked below on a Quarter Horse, male or female..let me know if you have one and are looking to sell.**
** I will also pay well for any retired unicorn coats by chocoshettie or Fhebral. Must be on a quarter horse.
I am aware that I may sound harsh in the above statements but I have spent 11 years on Howrse and I am quite frankly over dealing with people's lunacy. I'm actually pretty laid back and if you'd like to chat about something don't be afraid to reach out. Please note, however, that I am an adult, so take from that what you will.
Welcome to the home of Buckminsterfullerene, the highest-ranking American Quarter Horse in the dressage victory ranking. She currently sits at 14th with 8,088 dressage wins, 99.999% of which I put on her. She is on the last page of the Hedonist Mares tab, stop in and give her an apple!
^^^ **UPDATE** WE MADE OUR GOAL of top 100! On 5/7/20, Buck ranked 99th. We'll keep working on steadily moving upward but I'm so glad we could make it even this far.
^^^ On 8/11/20 she broke top 50.
^^^ On 8/17/21 she broke top 20!
- Always looking to buy unicorns sired by my studs. PM to negotiate. - Always looking to buy GA/RC immortal QH unicorns (I generally pay 200-500 passes, or up to 700k equus, depending on BMIs)
- Will buy Morpheus' Arms, Philosopher's Stones, Harmony Packs, Golden Apples. PM your price.
- I only use my EC to complete daily objectives so I really don't recommend boarding's awful ahaha.
I maintain a highly curated collection of GA/RC and otherwise specially-coated Quarter Horse unicorns, all with unique names and most with highly compatible backgrounds. It's almost a museum of sorts and I take pride in keeping a visually pleasing herd. I currently have 282 fully blupped and bolded mares, 54 fully blupped and bolded stallions, and 31 project horses that will eventually join the herds. Feel free to search through and have a look.
I also casually partake in the QH uni GP race and stand my latest (released) studs. They consistently provide the highest GP in the public coverings. When the GP of these mares and studs become outdated they are retired to my collection as well. All of the mares and stallions I use for breeding are descended from a line that I began in the autumn of 2017. There is only one instance of outside blood, it is very early on, and I trained/own the stud anyway. I'm very proud to have remained at the top of the public GP race with my own homebred horses for 4 years now.
The fourth tab is for finished horses as well that are waiting on BMIs such as golden apples or philosophers' stones. The fifth tab is for horses I bought or bred in the past when I had no clue what I was doing here...they're slowly being blupped and bolded for the mares tab.
I love seeing my stallions' offspring with creative, clever, or interesting names that give a nod to the stud or the stud and mare. I regularly check out their foals..come up with a unique enough name and you could receive a random BMI.

Thanks for stopping in!