Foundations that I want:
- Chestnut
- Bay
- Black
- Bay Tobi
- Chestnut Tob
- Dapple Tobi
- Liver Tobi
- Mouse
- Bl Overo
- Palomino Tobi
- Bl Tobi
- Cremello
- Dun
- Liver
- Flaxen
- Roan
- Palomino
- Mouse
- Flaxen Liver
- Strawberry
- Fleabitten
Companions that I want on unicorns:
Arabian uni Green
QP uni red and blue
Appaloosa uni purple
Special Coats
5th Element - in Treasures
Seal of the Apocalypse - in Treasures & Thoroughbred unicorns
Book of Monsters - Nokota unicorns
Bewitched Pumpkin - Newfoundland unicorns
Double Sided Medallion - Newfoundland unicorns
Magic Hat - Brumby unicorns
Catrina Brooch - Australian Pony unicorns
Original Wanderers - Ahkal-Teke unicorns
Greek Gods Wanderers - Quarter horse unicorns
Seven Seas Wanderers - Selle unicorns
Butterfly Wanderers - Chincoteague unicorns
Music Wanderers - Connemara & Quarter Pony unicorns
Hiking Journal - Paint unicorns