
About Me

My Goals

Hey guys, the names StripyWolf or if you know me well enough Stripy! In fact I prefer Stripy, or even Stripes. But enough about names, you want to know the good stuff about me, that's why you're here, right?

Okay, well I've been on howrse for a while now not just on this account, I had an account before this one but I lost it due to inactivity... So I made a new one and here I am. I'm not amazing at talking about myself being both and artist and hobbist author I tend to leave myself out the descritions and pictures. (That, and I'm told I'm too modest...) I'll give it a shot though for you lot. I'm polite and well mannered but also fun to be around and enjoy a good laugh. Although I'm a woman I don't really act like one, I'm certainly no lady! I've been told a few times that I should just be a guy and have done. But I prefer being a woman who's different. Oh and just in case what I said got you thinking I'm totally straight just enjoy the more 'manlier' things of life!

I love anything to do with animals even the funny or odd looking ones, I think they have the most interesting evolution history ever. Like the blobfish, really what happened to make it turn out looking the way it does, lack of mirrors? I love, love, love The Legend of Zelda games. In all fairness I have only played three of them so far but trust me I will have played them all soon. If you haven't guessed but now I'm an avid gamer, I love RPG's the most my all time favourite being Shining Force. I will happily play any other kind of games be it video games or game books.

As mentioned earlier I am an artist, although not professional but an artist nonetheless. If you're really interested you can find me on DA under Whisperfire. I do at the moment do point commissons and tag sales on wajas. I haven't thought about doing anything on howrse but I might do. Now I know that after reading Shadow Kyuubi's Presentation I shouldn't really copy what she about me and make it about her but I can't help it if it's true. I mean us two are partners in crime! They all say that the people who clash are the people who are similar to each other, but I think they might have it wrong since me and Uzu (Other name for Shadow Kyuubi.) are so alike it's like she's my sister from another mister. Not only that but she is my number 1 person for pretty much everything. She's a great Roleplayer and fantastic artist and just speaking to her manages to cheer up my day. (Wow only just noticed how long this is... and who said I wasn't good at this...)

Okay, moving on before I start a full on rave about Uzu! At the moment I am currently studing equine studies with hopes to own my own riding school/livery/stud yard (With Uzu). I have only just found out that in order to run my own riding school all I need is one horse and a riding school licence. If I'm hiring the horse for riding then I am classed as a riding school by law (Britsh Law). I am in the pursuit, as always of getting my own horse. At the moment I don't have to funds to get one let alone keep one.

As far as music goes I will happily listen to almost anything but I do prefer rock and pop rock best, bands like Paramore, Framing Hanley, Fall Out Boy, The Script, Evanescence and The All American Rejects. As far as films go I love scaring myself with horrors, although sometimes I do have a guilty pleasure of watching romance films. I love to read and that includes everything and when I say everything I mean it. I read road signs, cooking instuctions, ingredient lists on anything, books, manga, forum posts, fanfictions. You name it and there is a high probablity that I have read it except books, there is no way I can read all the books in the world. (Well not if I wanted to keep what small social life I have). I think maybe the reason I'm no good at these things is because I don't shut up...

Okay so just a small section on what I want to achieve on howrse. Things like get so many of a certain horse and such.

Firstly I want to set up a breeding program for appaloosa horses. I adore them both on howrse and in real life and my goal is to try and see if it's possible to breed and produce only leopard spotted appaloosas, although I'm sure it doesn't work that way we can see.

My next goal is to have a well known and highly prestigious equestrian centre. So far I have only five stables, all of which are SE boxes. Not to mention and extensive amount of meadows, more than I currently need. All the boxes are on flax bedding and I have all staff employed except for a Riding Instructor. I am using a temp worker at the moment. I have plans to put a shower in every stable as well as upgrade them all.

I would at some point like to design a coat for the Golden Apple, although this I can do anytime if and when I get the time. Having said that I would also like my coat to be picked which would be very awesome if you ask me.

I would love to have a horse entered and win the Grand Prix and that is why I am trying to produce a horse capable of doing this. Of course a little bit of mixing blood never hurt anyone and so that is what I intend to do.


This is my other section here in case I can think of anything else I want to add here. Maybe a news and updates or something. I don't know I might even add a commission section here, who knows but what I can say is it certainly isn't being added here today.

Layout designed and made by StripyWolf