I am buying BM items. When trading with me, make sure your not slow because I don't have time to waste. Don't tell me stuff like your horse/item is better and I must go first. The one with less karma goes first in spite of what we are trading. If you don't trust an account with more then 20 karma don't even bother me and try to check my forum first. Make sure you don't offer me stuff I am not intrested. Also check my forum to make sure what I am buying or have a look through my presentation. If you have an items I am buying and you want to sell it, please contact me before sending it. If I will buy the item, rezeve it as a gift in the exchanges and then rezerve me a horse in private sale for the listed price. I don't valuate items by they'r price in passes.
Selling any amount of passes for 100-90k per pass. Also a pack of 10 passes is for sale for 900 000 e. Selling Phoenix [2] for 130k each and Griffin [3] for 190k.[Special Offer]
Buying the following items. Prices negotiable.
300 000 each/12 passes for pair.
300 000 each/10 passes for pair.
2 passes each.
1 pass each.
for 50 000.
1 pass each.
have negotiable prices.
100 000 each.
for 25 equus each,
120 000 each.
90 000 each or
30 000 each.
1 pass for pair.
130 000 each [negotiable]. Also you may rezerve me a horse for 500 and 1 pass with a
on it (ask me before rezerving because I may not buy it immdediatly). I wll buy it as soon as possible. Buying many other BM items. Have a look in my forum for more info and prices.
Buying skilled horses. At the moment I am looking to buy skilled horse for good prices. By skilled horses I mean horses with more then 1280 GP, bluped, and the gender doesnt metter as long as the horse is not gelded. Looking especially for Lusitanos, Arabians, Standarbreds, Hanoverians and Throughbreds and Friesians. I am able to pay up to 16 passes on a fully BLUPed and BOLDed horse, ungelded and also clouded [not necessary].
My favourite horses are rarely for sale and please don't beg me to sell them. However, agreable offers are always welcome even on my Divines.
I am an adult player. Please ask your parent/guardian before contacting me. I dislike chat speak and random friend requests. Don't abuse me with smiles hoping that I will give you something for free. The price of the passes is rarely negotiable as I work for them and I want resonable prices in return. Persons that send me random messages will be blocked. Also, if you catch something on my page don't thank me in PM's, it also bothers me. Also, I would like if you will not chainmail or spam my mail. Feel free to ask me questions about the game. Don't send me links or photos. Pm's like 'Hi' or 'Hello' will be the first to ignore and if you will insist with them, you will get blocked. Don't think that if you will use a lot of smiles my hear will melt, everything I say is firm and I don't offer free itemx exept the UFO's on my page. If you haven't bought one of my horses for the price you want and got another one from another player, don't tell me stuff like ' Haha I got the horse ' and others examples. I may report this. In general, if you don't comply with the rules, don't bother me. NO, I'm not a bad person, I'm just being harsh because I have a lot of important trades and discusions and I don't have time to be interupted by your unneeded PM. Thank you.
When trading with me, rezerve me a horse that you will not want back. I don't trade with people that don't have acces at private sales. I'm rarely seen in auctions, but if I outbid you, don't come and tell me to not bid on the horse anymore or stuff like that. Oh and if I don't respond to onw of your offers, that means that it's not enough or I think it's a silly one.
(c) Test presentation for Dark Walker.