All of the information below is very old. I am no longer a regular player and do not belong to any breeding groups. I still enjoy this game and do plan to pursue A few projects, including the Ultimate Crossover project mentioned below.

I also collect foundation Appaloosas. If you have a foundie App, send me a PM and I will be happy to make an offer

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What I Buy

I always have high quality foals in the sales. You will sometimes find fully BLUPed horses there as well. Look above at the Sales in Progress box or click on the See the Horses Currently for Sale button at the bottom of the page. You are more than welcome to make an offer by PM if you would like.

I do accept BM items in exchange for passes when selling horses. The BM item must be of equal or greater value than the passes I am asking for (if I'm asking 1 pass, an item that sales in the black market for 1 pass would be something like a wand, tears, HoP..., if I'm asking for 2, then a timer, 3, a hera pack, p stone...). The only way I will make these kinds of exchanges, is if you first gift the BM item to me in the exchanges. When I see that it is there, I will then reserve the horse for the agreed upon equus for you. A soon as I have reserved the horse, I will take the BM item from the exchange.

I do sometimes put coverings from my stallions in the public coverings, but usually I just send it privately to those who want it. Not every stallion is up for coverings, but if you see one you'd like to cover your mare, just send me a PM with the mare's name and I will let you know if he is available and what the price would be. I'm Seeing Spot horses are NEVER available

I buy ANY purebred Appaloosa with a Golden Apple coat for a reasonable price. I will also buy purebred Appys with a Diamond Apple coat.

I buy Appaloosa foundation horses.


I buy Black Market items. Prices vary depending on the current rate in the exchanges

To sell me an item, you will gift it to me in the exchanges and then reserve any horse for the agreed upon price. Make sure you PM first. 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?QwDfez5cz3dfsd4

My Projects:

I have 2 projects I'm working on currently. The first is the Ultimate Crossover project (this project was inspired by furious's One of All project). The ultimate goal of this project is to have one horse that has every breed of horse and pony in it's bloodlines. I originally wanted every breed to be equal in the bloodlines, but as there are an odd number of crossbreedable breeds, I could not figure out a way to accomplish this. Therefore the Appaloosa will end up having two times the percentage as the other breeds in the final Ultimate Crossover horse. As Howrse has just introduced a new breed, the Shagya Arabian, I can now have every breed represented equally!!  The first stage is collecting a foundation horse of every breed. Once I have collected 1 foundie of every breed, I will fully BLUP each and then pair them off for breeding. The resulting foals will then also be fully BLUPed and paired off and bred. I will repeat this process until only one horse is left. This last horse will be the Ultimate Crossover. I have collected all the foundation horses and am now in the process of getting them all BLUPed to 100.

The second project is the Appyling Half Blood project. I am going to take one of my purebred Appaloosa mares and crossbreed her with every other breed on Howrse. The ultimate goal is to have one of each half appaloosa/half every other breed. All from the same mare. I am currently breeding She's Pure Blood to stallions of every breed aside from Appaloosa. You can see all the horses from this project under the "Appyling Half Bloods" tab. Here's a list of what breeds have been bred so far, what the dominate breed turned out to be and the name of the horse representing:

Half Arabian (Arabian): Nymphadora 
Half Paint (Paint): Seamus
Half Thoroughbred (Thoroughbred): Minerva

Half Friesian (Friesian): Severus

Half Quarter Horse (Quarter Horse): Ariana

Half Pure Spanish Horse (Pure Spanish Horse): Aberforth
Half Hanoverian (Hanoverian): Mafalda
Half Irish Hunter (Irish Hunter): Albus