Hello and welcome to my page! I'm PalRoxMySox. I am an adult player and currently own one horse named Captain. When I was younger I often rode a pony named Pal, hence the username :)
I play Howrse for nostalgic reasons, especially because for many years these online horses were the only ones I owned. I have always enjoyed pretending I own stables full of gorgeous horses.
At the moment, my breeding and competition schedule revolves solely around the Thoroughbred, Selle Francais, and Quarter Horse breeds. I am working on BLUPping my competition horses and breeding high-skill foals.
You can find my "just for fun," rescue, and divine horses under the "other horse" tab on my page.
I have recently started my equestrian center, Captains Quarters! If you have any advice for how to strengthen its prestige, please let me know!
On August 21st, 2023 I fulfilled a major goal of mine on Howrse: purchasing a nebula Balios. I have wanted one for years and am just super happy my dream finally came true.