Looking for someone to make me a layout. Pm me for details



About My Game

Just set free enough horses to get Venus! She will be arriving shortly! 9/1/12

I'm weird, I'll admit it. I collect foundation Shagya Arabians as a hobby on here. I currently have 16 pages of the little guys and gals. If you have any, please reserve them for me, I buy them for 70,000e or less.

My best ranking was 84th in popularity on 7/13/11.



 My RC's are almost never for sale. But are occasionally.

If you see a horse you want please feel free to make me an offer. Please do not ask me how much I want for it. If you want to buy my horse make me an offer.;).png?1828806360

I buy all GA horses for 65k, just reserve no need to ask.

Pm me if you have any RC's, I will offer a fair price, very fair indeed.


The Great Giveaway~




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