I stopped playing Howrse in January 2011. I will be logging on periodically still. None of my items or horses are for sale!
Thank you to all my friends for the kind messages you've been sending me, I miss you all

Special mention to all of the breeding groups I participated in throughout the years:
Brocklodge Connemara's
Manus Sancti Quarter Ponies
Del Encantamiento Lusitano's
Each and every single member in these groups are such great people and all though the groups no longer exist, they created great memories and helped me so much with my game on here.
Thank you as well to: Blue Ridge Stables, Roserloon, emilymjig, -jennaelise-, vag111, goldie2k8, Mazerath, stormtrooper, Runosai, and so many other people who helped me and were so kind throughout my time on this game!