Well that's wonderful. My daughter has been offline for some time struggling with severe major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, and chronic pain. My mother has Vascular Dementia and we are losing her piece by piece. Both had accounts on here, BOTH were tied with mine, and Howrse has apparently decided to delete them without ever contacting me. My girl was registered around the same time as I was and worked hard for her horses (as did my mom) and one would think that after all the ridiculous amounts of money I've thrown into this game since 2009, they might have had the courtesy to contact me and find out WHY my girls weren't on here for so long. They actually had a bit of a heart before selling out to Ubisoft. But hey, I guess when you're so deep in the depression that you're suicidal and can't leave your bed, and when your brain is being destroyed from the cruelest disease, you should both JUMP onto a game to make sure you aren't booted and your mother/daughter should never be contacted to clarify the issue so you can hopefully come back to the game or in my mom's case, enjoy looking at the sprites of her horses on good head days. What an utter waste.
Lately I've been getting a lot of offers to purchase some of my horses and the interest is appreciated. But at this time, I'm not selling any of my horses.
Again, thanks to those who've expressed interest, but all of the horses have a reason for being here right now or I'd have not purchased them. They will all be used, and probably sooner than hoped as I'm about to give up on the last few horses necessary.
So I'm in the early stages of a crazy project which is making me feel a bit like Frankenstein here. For this project, I'm trying to acquire Ouranos/Gaia (350 - 351.20 GP) children in every breed/every color. If I get a male and female of every color for each breed, that will be cake.
Progress went quickly initially, but now, is slowing. Still need to find:
Gypsy Vanner - Mousey Gray, Palomino
Lusitano - Cremello
Marwari - Blk. Tob., Flax. Chest., Mousey Gray Tob.
Mustang - Black Spot. Blanket, Flaxen Liver Chestnut, Liver Chestnut Spot. Blanket
Peruvian Paso - Cremello
Quarter Pony - Bay Overo, Flax. Liver Chest
Shagya Arabian - Chestnut
Shetland - Dk. Bay Tob., Flax. Liver Chest., Mousey Grey, and Palo. Tob.
Trakehner - Palomino
Once they're all finally found, the training and fun will seriously begin (muwahaahaa) (Oh, PrincessLumpy is cringing at that! lol)
So 2006 was the worst year in my family's life. Without going into everything, I'll just say that my dad, who was mine and my little girl's best bud, died suddenly on March 7th. Two days later, Scooter, her 2 yr. old Rocky Mountain Horse somehow drowned. This was PrincessLumpy and Scooter the summer before.

Lumpy was devastated. But, kindness often shines through the darkest times. The people we'd purchased Scooter from, good and true friends, showed some amazing generosity of spirit, and gave to my little girl Rory, one of their Rocky Mountain mares who had been one of Scooter's playmates. Lumpy and Rory last summer.

Point of this, I suppose, is that no matter how dark or lonely things can get, hold on. Goodness, kindness, friendship, love - things that may seem lost in the dark, will find their way back into the light.