

Welcome to my page. As I'm sure you can tell, I am kittycatgoesmeow. You can just call me kitty, or cat. Or even meow. I don't really care. Or you can call me Starry One. Feel free to call me whatever you want to, just not any foul names/words or late for dinner. If you want to know more about me, then please scroll down.


Unless the horses are already in the sales, they ARE NOT FOR SALE!


About Me

So, here you are at the About Me part of my layout. So what is there about me? Well, I won't tell you much. For instance, I will only tell you that I am a teenager, living in the US. Any way to contact me outside of howrse will not be provided, nor will my real name. But I will tell you what things I like in real life, and things like that.  I will also let you know that I love to RP, and if you wish to do a PRP or have a RP in your forum that I might like, feel free to invite me or ask me! I will happily oblige. However, on Fridays and Sundays I won't be on as much except for early mornings and late afternoons because I volunteer at the zoo that is in my area. I work in Education department, and here is my blog about it!
Things I like-

and Writing Stories
I also like Barry Manilow, Journey, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and other such artists. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask so long as it is not any of the things that I have already said that I will not tell you.

Layout designed by kittycatgoesmeow code generated at howrseinfo.com
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