*alexa443 is having a Pass Giveaway*
Hi, I am blood_madien (Yes, I know it's spelled wrong. I was like 11 when I joined, what do you expect? Saving up to change it but we'll see) I am a female who loves art and music. To be honest with you I am not really into the whole breeding aspect of this game anymore. I mainly stick around to try my best with the promos. Always willing to help out friends :) ill occasionally go through a breeding spree/actually work at my game. Unicorns are pretty cool. Other than that I'm mainly on for nostalgic reasons :p
Song of the Week; Control -Halsey
Dislikes: Rude people, racism, sexism, ignorant people....
Likes: Animals, drawing, music, writing, reading
I Accept ALL Friend Requests. Will Help With Promos (: