King 21/11/2010 - 11/09/2024 

About me:

My game focus is around breeding and skilling TBs amongst other breeds. My time is often limited and many PMs go unchecked. I'm always happy to lend a hand to other players where I can.

I'm not generally a coat collecter so many coats are left in my inventory - if there is something specific you are looking for - let me know. 

Any horses under the for sale tab are as it says are for sale, most are for sale though but I'm too lazy to organize my farm.

ALWAYS in need of Tears, Heels, Arms, NYXs and Strokes.

300k for 3 - Tears, Strokes and Heels

300k Arms

Nyx - Negotiable, will trade Golden apples.

I am an adult player and very no nonsense - you must have parental permission and trolling is not tolerated. 

Anyways.. enough about me. Happy Howrsing b1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c_v1582021737.png