From 4th September I will not be logging on regularly as I will be very busy but will check mail about once a week. :)
Selling almost all horses and BM items. PM me with offers. Thanks.
BM Item Sale: (N = Negotiable) PM Me
Only 1 item per player unless you wish to buy 2 of the same item, as the exchanges don't allow more than one exchange to same player in a week. Items will be removed from the list when no longer available. PM me asking about which BM items you would like and your offer, and I will reply ASAP.
3 exchanges still available this week
(Currently no list - PM me)
Hi. I'm olivia larter. I have been on Howrse a while, so if you are a new player, feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I don't visit everyday (extremely busy
), and I haven't for a long time; hence the reason my ranking is... not the best
but I still log on now and then and basically answer any mail and help out in the forums :) I am willing to help anyone out who needs it, just send me a PM.
Thanks to everyone who congratulates me, I am very grateful. I will return the favour for everyone I see.

Please don't be offended if I refuse your friend request. It doesn't mean that I have something against you, I just don't want a huge friends list of players I don't know, as it makes it much harder to find the player you are looking for. I will always accept new players if you need help. 

Please don't PM me asking if I have passes for sale - I don't but passes. I never have, and never will. If I am ever selling passes, I will have a note about it at the top of my page.

Aging Points are very much appreciated! Any donations from players will be congratulated.
Please do not PM me advertising your layouts, banner etc. Unless I say, here on my page. I like keeping my page as neat and banner free as possible