Welcome to my page!

Hello! My name is awest. I am an adult player. I have played Howrse off and on for a very long time but the horses and friends keep bringing me back. Howrse is a nice escape from the real world and it allows me to show my creativity and is very relaxing. I mainly breed Quarter Horses and Fjords and mess around with a few other breeds here and there. My biggest passion and joy is collecting Golden Apple and Retired Golden Apple coats.

The horse featured on this layout is my horse 21. Every horse deserves to be loved by a little girl, and 21 absolutely got that. I rescued him when I was 8 years old and saw something special in this little skinny horse that no one else did. After several months of some good feed and getting him healthy, we started working and training and he bloomed into a beautiful partner and horse. He helped me learn and grow as a rider and taught me the true meaning of love and teamwork. He would protect me when no one else would. He was absolutely my best friend. He was the horse that you hear about in stories - the one that changes your whole world and no other horse can ever come close to being as good as him. The one in a million horse, my heart horse. I love him dearly and I miss him everyday. <3

A huge thank you to Triple J for creating this layout! The horse featured is my horse 21, I miss him dearly. <3