Hello everyone. I'm Laura and please be aware that I am an ADULT player.
I live in England with my family and dog. I've been riding since I was 10 and will be 23 in January! (Eek!)
I'm currently breeding Mustangs although I do have alot of Hanoverians for sale. Please, if you can offer them a good home then do so. As far as I am conerned, they're going nice and cheap and are all full of hidden potential for you to unlock.
I've been a member of Howrse for some time now and still have my original Welsh mare, Bow. She's well into her 40's now and is immortal but there's no way I am going to sell her so please don't ask me.
My Mustangs are all being trained to high levels and excel in Cross Country and I want to get them into some Barrel Races aswell in due course. My Stallion, River Rapid is offering coverings at 500E a time and if my mare, River Edge has any colts, I will be putting them to stud aswell but the price will be determined on their skills and amount of stars.
I am also soon going to be looking at breeding Shetland Ponies but this may not be until my Mustang population has grown a bit.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my page, I've attempted to add a photo of the original Bow whom my Howrse mare is based upon. I miss this horse so much and would love to have her back in my life :(