Hello! Welcome to my page!

- I am always looking to improve on my horse family! I breed mostly Paint and am willing to buy any high GP paint let me know what you have!
- If you see a horse of mine you would like to buy let me know, I am willing to sell most of them!
- If you want to breed with one of my males let me know I will reserve for you, any horse with unlimited breeds I will reserve for 500 equus. If you wan to breed with one of my females you can pick the male (one of mine or yours or any up for stud) and I will breed her for you for the cost of the covering and the foaling plus 500 equus.
- I am always willing to buy back a horse I have breed, they will have my affix on them.
- I am always looking for new friends just send me a request, and a pm if you want to chat!
- Any new player (less than 60ish days) I would love to help you out in any way I can. I am willing to donate (500 equus) a horse to new players and we can discuss breed from my available options. Send me a PM and we can talk!
- I am so close to 500 congratulations (450) so I thought I would have a give-away for whoever is 500th! I will be on the look out, but just in case I happen to miss it, if you are number 500 send me a Message and a friend request. The Prize will be a Medusa's Blood or a Golden Apple!
I am looking to buy the following: (all of these must be Purebred)
- Paint Horses with The 5th Element, especially any Unicorns.
- Any Paint Horse with a golden apple or special coat.
- Any horse that has won a rosette.
- I am currently working on collecting all the coats of the Thoroughbred Horse, so any coat that I do not already have.
- Any Unicorn, I am working on collecting one of each breed.
- Any horse you think will make a good addition to my herd!

I love to read other peoples presentations so here is my list of this or that's! If you have something you think is cool on your presentation send me a message I am looking for new ideas! Also if you need something to add to your presentation if you want to copy this please do! If you do copy it send me a friend request and a PM and let me know! if it is on your presentation I will send you a gift! Also I think it would be cool if you added a "this or that" question and I will put it on mine as well!
Dog or Cat?
Netflix or YouTube?
Phone Call or Text?
Toast or Eggs?
Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone? Snow Cone
IPhone or Android? Android
Cake or Pie? Cookies are the best!
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small Gathering
Football or Basketball? How about Baseball?
What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes? Laundry 100%
Glasses or Contacts? Glasses
Hamburger or Taco?Tacos!
Couch or Recliner? Recliners
Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store? Online Shopping!
Just a few more facts about me in case anyone was wondering.
- I am a Home Health Nurse and I love love love my Job!
- I did barrel racing when I was younger, now I just ride for the fun of it!
- I don't have a horse of my own anymore, not enough time while I was in school and now working 16 hour shifts there is no way I could take care of one like it deserves. I do still ride my family member's horses!
- I am a 22 year old female who lives in the Midwest of the great USA.
- Some of my hobbies include: quilting, embroidery, painting, anything crafty, woodworking, reading, horse ridding, and board games. (I have a lot more but these are my top ones!)
- Finally if you have made it this far take a look at my horses under the pineapples tab and if you see one you like send me a message with the info of the one you want and I will reserve it for you for 500e.