HI.  I have been on this game for a long time.  The ONLY reason i still play is the horses I have gotten over the years.  Howrse has changed from when i first started playing.  You could win a lot of black market items in the promos they held, item that helped to blup horses.  Now they give cheap items and for passes in the daily objectives, they want you to spend passes or bm items to get 10 or 20 passes.  The teams make it impossible to win in any but the blupping races, their horses are 2 to 4 thousand above any you can buy.  I have some really nice horses but i have NEVER won a grand pree.  Nor will i ever.  I liked that this game was free, but to win big means to spend a lot of cash on passes and to spend all day playing.  I have seen players who haven't played in over a year still on the game and players who don't play for 30 days kicked off.  The game has become biased and greedy.  Shame on you howrse.

And while were at it, when you go to the log in page, it says join 12,000,000 players, but reality is 191,000.  When i first started the game, in the first few years, it might have come close to that.  But as the game "improved" players left.  You would think howrse would get a clue.