***Hey, I'm KayMack. I used to be an elite TB uni breeder, but then I stopped playing Howrse and let my game go. Now I'm back as an adult player and my focus is on unicowrns and AP farming***
+ + + I currently dabble in breeding all breeds of unicorn, but I am on a team for Haflingers and Selle Francais breeds in particular. Make an offer on any of my unis or horses, I don't report these although obviously not everything will be for sale + + +
- - - Though my breeding is still focused on improving the GP of my unicowrns, I used to be much more serious about it. It seems an arbitrary acheivement now, but i was the player to bring about the first 4 star TB unis, things have moved on since then- - -
~ ~ ~ My EC used to be a top 100 EC, but now I use it to age no horns so of course it's not so good anymore ~ ~ ~
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> > > Message me for any reason< < <
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