Hi there! My name is Caelom and I am the owner of Paint~Creek~Stables. I was finally able to get some pictures up thanks to my computer savvy sister, Danner_dearest. I will continue working on my layout, so don't fear if not all the text boxes are filled yet! I hope you have a wonderful game! P.S. Please congratulate me above if you have the time! Also, check below for some pictures of my real pony!
When I first joined this game, probably around 2004, I created my dream horse. A beautiful black and white paint filly named Tinkerbelle. I had always been interested in horses, like a lot of little girls, and when I found out about this website it made my dream come true. We lived in a city where I took English riding lessons (and still take lessons), but there wasn't any room to keep a real horse, no matter how large our backyard was. I asked my parents for their requirements to own a horse, (I already knew what taking care of a horse required, since I helped with the pony I rode at the stable, but parents' requirements are completely different) and they said that if I could find an inexpensive place to keep the horse that wasn't too far away, then we would start looking for one. Cue the phone book. I spent hours and hours looking up and calling stables to ask them the services they offered, when they were offered, how much they were, etc. Finally, after calling all the availabe stables that had good credentials from other horse owners, I stopped looking in the phone book and began praying to find a place that would house the horse for near free. A few months later my dad was asked to lead a wedding of a friend of his. After the ceremony we talked with some of our friends at the after party, and low and behold, an elderly man and his wife who lived only 20 minutes from our house had heard us talking about getting a horse, but then wonder where to keep it, and he turned around in his chair at the table behind us and asked me if I would like to keep my horse at his place, and in turn we would mow his grass and clean up the pasture. I was astonished. Would someone really do that? Well, I had prayed and asked for it hadn't I? I smiled and looked at my dad who was just as amazed or probably more than I was. (You know how adults are about those kind of things happening. Not all, of course C: ) So then it began. We started looking for horses. Before I finish I need to mention that my Howrse game had gotten deleted several years before talking to this man and I had forgotten all about it until a riding friend of mine re-introduced it to me later. Back to the story. We looked at many horses, but none of them seemed right. Some were amazing horses, but they never felt like they would make very good friends, companions, or even competition horses. My dad told me about a ranch an hour from our house that took in neglected horses and then trained them so they could go to new homes. I thought 'Why not?' So there we went. Right when we got there I saw a little pony. The manner she carried herself was so intriguing. She walked like she knew everything, but when something of curiousity came about, she was the first to run over and learn about it so she could resume her knowledgeable stroll. I watched the man who owned the ranch ride her first, and then I rode her. I was nervous, but she was a good girl and ingnored my tension and went along with what I asked her. You can probably guess what happens next. We went home to talk it over and the next morning my dad called the man who owned the ranch to tell him that we wanted to buy her. A few days later he dropped her off at the house of the man from the wedding party who had told me I could keep my pony there. Now to think of a name. I thought of so many names, but none of them sounded right. Finally I found it. Tinkerbelle. Yes, that little fairy in Peter Pan with a bit of an attitude. She reminded me exactly of her, well perhaps a little less arogant. Later I joined Howrse once again and remembered that my dream horse had come to me in real life, so I once again re-created her. I am so thankful for this amazing pony who is now my best friend (in horse form) and I wouldn't trade her for all the blue ribbons in the world. Today we are currently showing in the Beginner Hunter Division, but I think she might like the Jumpers a bit more. She is very free spirited and I don't want to take that away from her, because when we ride together just for fun, and I feel that happy energy surging through her, I don't care how well we do at shows, I know that I will have a best friend for life. I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on our success at shows this show season! So stay tuned and wish us luck! Also, if you have any tips in perfecting body positions on the flat and while cantering, please let me know! I will be posting any difficulties we experience while training, so if you have any knowledge about what might help fix any of the problems I post, I am all ears! Currently we are working on balance issues to finish out our flying lead changes, so any tips on balancing will be welcomed! The reason I'm asking for different techniques is that I always have to change it up, because if she figures out my pattern then she learns how to avoid leg pressure or play one of her other tricks on me. She is extremely smart, which is great in our trick training lessons, but sometimes isn't good, especially when it comes to certain training aids. If I can just keep one step ahead of her then everything works perfectly! Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Stallions at Stud: Chevalier - Purebred Paint/ 73* / 1279 GP/ 100 Blup/ $1500 Vasily - Purebred Paint / 35* / GP/ 100 Blup/ $ 300 Any other stallions in the breeding farms are available, but these two are the ones I have had the most interest in. Just choose which one and I will tell you the price range!
Breeding Objectives: Breed a 55* Paint Breed a 60* Paint
Breed a 40* Appaloosa Breed a 45*Appaloosa Breed a 1* Purebred Shagya Arabian Have a Current Reserve of600,000
Finish Objectives up to 90 Breed a Unicorn Own a Divine (That doesn't die) Things I enjoy Doing:
I enjoy riding (Of course) our four horses around the pasture and jumping over obstacles such as our old Christmas trees. I enjoy track! Short distance sprints only, though. Our girls team will hopefully be awesome this year! I am so blessed to have an amazing and caring team! For Sale: Currently I don't have any horses for sale, but I soon will! I just have to make some time to go through my breeding farm and decide which ones are going up for sale! *Most of the horses with BM items will be sold for at least 1 pass, since I used my passes on them. Surely that makes sense to want to get a least one pass back. However, any horse with a cheaper BM item that I won in the lottery or through the potions will most likely not be sold for passes since I got the items for near free. Notice: If any of you who view this forum know of or have high starred and skilled purebred Paints, Appaloosas, or Shagya Arabians, then please let me know! I will pay resonable prices! I'm not out to rip anyone off. :) I want good deals for my horses too. ;) Have an awesome game! This is the place where I will be posting news about our competitions, training problems and techniques, and our track meets! Please be praying for us! 1st horse show of the season! Tink and I went into the Intermediate Equitation over fences and the Equitation on the Flat. We did well with a fourth in the warm up that was based on all the warm ups of the day and we received two fourths for the Equitation over fences and Equitation on the flat. We also qualified for an HJEO show at the end of this year! 2nd horse show of the season! 1st place in Intermediate Equitation over Fences! Go Tink! I couldn't do it with out her! Well, I guess I could, but that would be really hard to run around a sandy arena and jump 6 or more 2'6 fences. ;) We received a sixth in Equitation on the flat and we also qualified for another year end show this November! One last thing. We decided to try Jumpers! Wow, that's is the only thing I can say. While crazy does come to mind, It couldn't top a playday I went to with a friend. I didn't know horses could move like that...... Anyways, we earned ourselves a 5th and a 6th! Overall it was quite a successful day with complete lead changes! Next show, the 12th! My half birthday! Track season has now officially ended. :( We made it to state and amazing! Unfortunately I was only with the relay team and our anchor pulled her hamstring at the regionals meet, so I didn't have the opportunity to run, but it was still fun hanging out with my team! Art Work: I will be posting my sisters amazing pictures soon! |