Here's my last skiller  Deathstroke

As you can see I'm pretty lazy with my page and haven't done much with it. It's been pretty much the same for years, which means a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes which I'm too lazy to go back and correct.xD_v1828806360.png

Recently got my best Grand Prix rank ever 196th with my mare Deathstroke.:D.png?1828806360 If only it was top 100..... so close yet so far.

So I used to be Ginny_3,  after Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, but I never really liked her and wanted something better. And what's better than Sherlock(7)_v1828806360.png and Loki?(7)_v1828806360.png.I love Star Wars,  Merlin, Sherlock (Both BBC's show and Doyle's books), and Marvel's Loki (Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston are great). I also like Harry Potter, and the Percy Jackson and Eragon series.

Come see my new additions in my breeding farm Anakin's Skill (Warning: May feature out of date skillers.

Update: Got really close, but with release of new Uni breeds, I'm falling short. Need 2 more, as some I have winged Uni of that breed so I just need their foals. 12/13/2014 

My new goal is to have a unicorn of every breed. I'm starting 8/5/2013, we'll see when I finish. So far I have Fjords, Irish Hunters, Marwari, Mustang, an Arabian, a Knabstrupper, Friesians, Thoroughbred, Nokota, Paint, Shagya Arabian, Barb, Austrailian Pony, Shetland, Brumby, and a Curlies. 16 down, 20 to go.

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I miss when horses looked like this.:-)).png?

Buying: Philosophers Stones,

Who misses and remember when arabs, irish hunters, and thoroughbreds were the same. When there were no russian dons or friesians, and when unicorns were rare? I truly miss the way the Paints and Quarter and Irish Hunters were.