I have the right to say NO to any sales offers!!!
I have the right to charge whatever I want per Howrse Rules!!
DO NOT OFFER $20,000 on a horse that I paid $50,000 for.
Friend discounts are earned so do not expect one.
Most others are NOT FOR SALE, got it, No? then ask a kid to explain.
I am rude because people push me to the breaking point. 
Subject lines should be 5 characters long.
Check the horse's history for what the person paid for.
Know the value of the horse you are asking to buy.
NO means NO and if you do not understand then ask an adult.
BLOCKED means goodbye and get lost pest.
I try to educate and help people but there is a limit.
C. was right about a lot of stuff.
Sometimes I yell and rant and rage about unfair things in Howrse. What many of us do not realize is the the Admins sometimes cannot undo bad things like the recent skills glitch.
I got to meet someone I respect very much and love as a friend.
I got to me LOGOW! OMG, she is like the nicest person and unique. Oh and Rivenwood was there. I cannot tell you how much I respect her and love her as a friend. Two great ladies they are.
Hugging Logow was better than winning a billion equus.
Maximum $40,000 and/or 1 pass per coat
NIB studs
available at $200 to blupped mares
Hackney, Chincoteague, Paint, Purebred Spanish Horse, Irish Hunter
Darzie the NIB Welsh pony unicorn
Snickers and his son Gallopracer are Connies, Zagnut the Newfoundland
Appy 20 star, Arabian 23 stars, Australian Pony 3 stars, Hanoverian 21 stars, Irish Hunter 25 stars, Newfoundland 2 stars, Paint 11 stars, PSH 2 stars, Quarter Horse 17 stars, Thoroughbred
I collect the CraXoR affix and am looking for cheap coats. I am not leaving but there are times I say so because I cannot take it any more. I fight with an old computer and some days just want to walk away from the internet and live in Disneyland where I am happiest.
My first Grand PrixAugust 6, 2010
I am crying so hard. My mentor is gone. She taught us about Howrse back when nobody was able to be a blacksmith. She started the game when there was nothing. She was a much loved mentor though we did at times have our wars between us I could never totally give up on my mentor.

CraXoR is gone. I want her back. She put 3 years of her life into this game, since May, 2007. I do not know why she left and hope someone will give me an answer but I know that her dedication to the game made the game easier for so many of us. God Bless her and farewell CraXoR.
On July 15th, 2009 I upset someone. I wrote them an apology which they reported as abuse. I have a scarred record because someone was not willing to accept an apology. C was right about snitches. What is wrong with this game when people are sanctioned for being nice and apologizing.
I snap at times or make no sense because of my health problems and being a neurovariant. That is not an excuse or permission to be rude but at the same time it would be nice if people were more tolerant of people. That was the way it used to be in Howrse.
I am age 50+, female and disabled. Kids ask permission to talk to adults and make sure you are internet safe. I do not do facebook, MSN chat, email outside of Howrse, and other outside socializing not even wth adults so no asking.
I need only clouds right now to help the EC as my wrist is on strike and hurting so only working EC howrses. Do not send me gifts as I need nothing in game and would prefer to discuss this in private. I do not need pandora's boxes and please save them and gift them to new people who have sick howrses.

Thank you.
Wordweasel2 is gone, I miss her so much.

KingofJazz is gone also. Where are all my friends and where are all the people gone.
I was hit hard by the BANNING GLITCH. I have written contact who will not speak to me and moderator and support at howrse with no success. I KNOW IT IS A GLITCH BECAUSE STAFF AT HOWRSE ARE NICE PEOPLE.
I will report all the damages to my account and hope the admins, who used to be my friends, will fix the damage from the BANNING BUG. I am scared to go anywhere on Howrse and I love it dearly and have been in the game all but two days while on trips. I have donated about $3000 to this game at about $5 a day. That is a lot for a person who barely makes $28 a day in disability check.
I know that admins will recompense me and take care of the damage and apologize as they are very nice people. I miss so much chatting with them in chat. Now I continue to cry because I now must look at the damage to my account by a silly glitch.
1. EC prestige is down
2. Fields are wrongly saying 98%
3. Race quality is down as I could not work the howrses to build the EC races.
4. My ranking is down for most days in Howrse.
5. The number of days I have been in Howrse is off by one day.
6. I did not get paid thus Owlient owes me $190.
7. Emotional trauma
Farewell dearest friends and I will stay as long as I can. I complied with the moderator and now my page is gone.
It was fun knowing you and farewell dearest friends. I got in trouble for allowing religion in my EC forum and now fear that I will be banned for posting this. FAREWELL FRIENDS AND IT WAS NICE KNOWING YOU.

C. was right about snitches and I got snitched.

hugs and chocolates
The person in the picture below has traveled around the world. She has put up with me for over 3 years, not many people are that good hearted. That be the infamous, notorious and famous Logow.

God bless her for her kindness, compassion adn her dedication to keeping kids and adults safe.