im sorry that my profile is lk really long or wateva

okay newaii

Hi im Rebecca nd below are pics of me nd my animals

Altogether i have 9 horses (in real life) 
Okay ive been looking on other profiles and they all say stop horse slaughter and id lk 2 
say yes i agree so stop horse slaughter
Below is a random show jumping video cus i wanted 2 put 1 on...a video that is
all my real horses r called - Thomas, Polly, Oak, Sunny, Penny, George, Dreamer and Jessica
then theres Pheobe
Oak, Dreamer, Thomas and Penny
Pheobe, Sunny, George and Polly
Jess my bbz
the horses in action
Em with Flint
Me jumpin Dreamer nd Jack on Thomas
Some other cure pics
Me nd em on oak bareback
Me nd em on Flint bareback

i luv animals nd even though u cant get other animals on this game in real life i hav

2 dogs - Bobby and Tess

3 cats - Joey, Chandler and Dufus

1 rabbit - Whiskey

4 goats - Allsorts, Margo, Roxy and Pheobe

We also hav another shire horse, Ben, a sheep called Champion and soon we'll hav pigs

i thought theyd want some recognision 2



our old horses r, Mullberry, Miranda and Flint. We also had Morgan, John, Ellie and Annie


oh nd i also hav bebo so if ne1 wants 2 say hi its vid.gif

Okay jus so u know in the other horses catorgory the horses with 4 hearts by their name r my

real horses nd the 1s with 2 hearts by their name real horses but i dont own them

For example

♥♥......♥♥ or/nd ♥......♥    pirates video