So it's been a hot minute....and by minute I mean a couple years.
I'm actually super surprised Howrse still let me log in. Which is great!
A lot has happened. Howrse was a great way for me to keep horses while I was at home.
They were mine, and I could get all the black quarter horses I could dream of.
Look in my Blazer tab, you'll see Banner.
That was my dream horse. I always wanted one like him, every since 1994 (or was it '93?) that Black Beauty came out. I wanted my own.
Well guys. Last year, my dream finally came true, and I bought my very first horse.
His name is Onyx.
He's the sweetest. I love him probably FAR more than someone should!
That being said, my heart horse; my REAL heart horse takes up a lot of time!
So Howrse world, I might stop in now and again, but this is the end of my novel. It's been a great one, and I have a few spoils I might play with from my hardcore days. Thank you for being there when I needed it.
I'll leave this account open for those who still share my account and use my fillers. Hopefully, I can get in touch with those who are friends from long ago to catch up and hear me constantly sing Onyx's praises and SPAM Facebook with pictures of him.

Till then Howrse friends,
Lor and Onyx :)