Hello Howrse fans!!
I will be thinning my herd the next few weeks. keep an eye out for them. some will be for passes because some are retired coats. I just have to much going on in real life.
KEEP IN MIND it takes time to go through many horses 400+ horses that is.
I will be closing my EC until further notice.
I have been off and on howrse for many years since 2008!! I am a adult player in my forties. I love horses always have but could never get one. I discovered this game and I just play for fun and to relax.
**I have Topaz in Immortal TAB**
My favorite breeds
Halfinger Ponies
Quarter horses
and more.....
I'm not into doing the trophy stuff, but sometimes I can't help myself

Please congratulate me!! I do my best to return the favor!!
Depending on the event I will try my best at playing them. I have my favorites!!
I will also accept friend requests as long as you are an active player!!
1. collect all the paint coats and spotted coats of different breeds
2. Get all my favorite Golden apple coats
3. Get all favorite vintage coats
4. BLUP my favorite Breeds and ponies, of course