Boozhoo dash Mii gwech for stopping here!        
  Makadegwan (Black Feather)  My horses’ names are in Ojibwemowin. Here are the English translations:  
Wiisaakode-mishtadim -  Mixed blood horse  
Waagoshens - Little Fox 
Boozhoo - Formal Hello 
Niikimo - He Growls - Grrrr 
Miinawaa  - Again 
Waasamowinike - Looks far Female Ogichidaakwe - The Female Warrior  Maamakaaj - Amazment 
Amoo - Bee Zhaanggweshi - Mink Babaamenim  - Pay attention to someone Boodoons -  Little tadpole  
Onji-Anishinaabe Aki - From Indian Land Ninde' - My heart 
Abinoojiiyens -Little Baby 
Gwiiwizens - Boy 
Wenabozhoons - The Little Trickster Aanike-ogimaakwe - The Next Female Leader   
Ishkonigan - The Reservation Ojibwemodaa  - Everyone speak Ojibwe Niijiikwe - My female friend Gwiishkwanini - Jump 
Aaniin - Informal greeting Hi or What’s happening?
 Zaagi'win - Love 
Mookii - Rises to the surface 
Niizh Anangoog - Two Stars 
Waagoshens -Little Fox 
Inzaagewebiz -  I come speeding suddenly into view
 Goji'igan - The teaser 
Zoongizi -He is Strong 
Gichikwe - Big Female
 Asiniinsag - Pebbles 
Aniin danaa - Why for? Why Not?  Ojiiminag - Kisses