Hello ...Thanks for stopping by. I am open to any friend requests ... the more the merrier... so if you want to be my friend just add me and I will accept. I also participate in the lotteries and games, so I will send anyone on my friends list tickets or provide help in the games, 
I am an adult player in the USA in PA state, I have 2 adult daughters, 4 grandsons and 3 granddaughters and several animals(mostly cats). On here as much as time allows, I drive school bus so will most likely be much more active during summer months.
If you know anyone looking to build their friends lists, kindly tell them to send me a request.
Click here to add me : http://www.howrse.com/member/social/friendCreate?login=suzg1020
Thanks Much and Have a Great Day. Happy Howrse~ing 

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