Themed names for horses

If you had to have a horse name theme what would you choose?

I'd have to choose Thunderbirds

(and shout out to whoever owns the only thunderbird horses in game default smiley ^) )
Hobby Horse
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I've established some theme names already with my main breeding farm. Rockstars/songs and supernatural default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 21
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Might go with Game related characters. Haha
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I have quite a few default smiley (lol)

They range from kpop idols, kpop groups, anime characters, and book characters. I also have a memorial affix and the horses with that affix are named after people and pets in my life that have moved on to the sky. The most recent edition is a unicorn named Yeontan, named after a kpop idol's beloved doggo who recently crossed the rainbow bridge default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 108
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Some of my theme names include volcanoes, types of storm and lightning, and types of hotdog
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hoho what fun, another of mine is planets (mercury jupiter etc)
Hobby Horse
  • Posted messages: 77
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Oh Lord. I've done single season tv shows, characters, poisonous plants, lines out of podcasts, types of stars, goddesses (I only keep mares), song lyrics and/or titles, I did a whole Bob Ross thing for a bit.

Honestly it is just whatever takes my fancy at the time and then I run it until I'm not enjoying it and then I switch again.

I'm currently between themes.
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good idea. i once called a horse commander shore after the character in stingray.
Hobby Horse
  • Posted messages: 77
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I use constellations eg. Leo, Aquarius or goddesses eg. Aphrodite.
  • Posted messages: 68
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Greek names and characters, and random gibberishdefault smiley :pdefault smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 6
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There are already a number of horse naming topics in this forum. Just a reminder that the forum is for real life horsey chat and not about the game. I'm going to lock this now but you can always move to a topic in your own EC forums.
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