Wind Divine

Hi all,

I haven’t had a wind divine before.. came here to ask for an explanation of their care, how wind direction and force matter and what I should be doing or not doing.

Many thanks default smiley ^)
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You want to maximize the skills you will be getting, so put water of youth, Achilles heel and philotes stroke on them. Choose EC with shower and water trough.

Ocean ride gives your horse poins from -1 to +7 for each hour. I usually ride my divines when winnings per hour of riding is 5 or more. I'm able to do 4 hour ride.

And you don't need to put your horse to bed when you collect 100 points and horse still have some energy left. Just start the storm and don't put the horse to the bed. You can use its energy next day to get those points from ride.
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If youre on mobile, the only way you can see the wind direction is by selecting 1 hour of wind ride to check the strength. It doesnt show up on screen immediately like classic does.

Adding on to Joycia, Winds only give prizes up to 3100 years, hence the WoY is essential to maximise the prizes!

Personally I do this:

2 hour ride
stroke X2
Mash carrot groom bed
Feed suggested + max oats
2 hour ride

There is also a method that allows you to have enough energy to have a competition, it changes the steps (espcially the groom for morale for comps)!
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Everything joycia said above is correct default smiley :)
It also helps to have a good schedule!

An easy schedule (the one I use) is below

Only ride over the ocean! Ocean gives wind strength, mountain gives skills, plains gives a mix

1 hour ride
Feed recommended fodder and 20 oats
2 hour ride
Stroke x2
1 hour ride
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incorrect .fodder goes to 20 and oats is 15
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It's not incorrect when it's the schedule I use on all my wind divines without any problems getting the 4 hours of rides

Some people do feed max fodder, I do not - I suggested my schedule
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quokka wrote:

Feed recommended fodder and 20 oats
It is impossible to give 20 oats. The meter only goes up to 15.
Crystal Coven
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Crystal Coven wrote:

It is impossible to give 20 oats. The meter only goes up to 15.

Oh my word *face palm* I proof read it twice and never caught I said that default smiley xd

That's what I get for answering at 4am!!

@totem, I apologize for getting defensive when I was, indeed, incorrect!
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Thank you everyone for helping default smiley :)
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