Pastry Horse Foals

Simply put, what is the point of them? I understand they have high IBS but the GP is so low that they don't really end up with any skills.
I purchased one in sales and took a few minutes to bold the skills just to see if there was something that I'm missing but I can't find any use. The skills are still marginally below the competitive horses. Feels like a waste of time and aging points.
Is there some use that I'm overlooking or are they just a novelty lol Really curious!
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They're below the really competitive horses basically so people don't just buy a Pastry pair, breed them and then dominate the Prix without doing the work of establishing a high-skilled breeding line.

As for their uses; it's possible to win rosettes with them although some breeds/disciplines can be difficult. Mostly they're a novelty and used for earning equus (high-kitty competitions due to their skills) and boosing EC prestige, since you can get a lot of high-skilled horses for much cheaper than you could by buying them.
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Oh ok, got it! Not very useful for me, but good info to know. Thanks!
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