[Survey] Christmas Hike


The Christmas Hike has come to an end. We hope that you were able to collect all the prizes along the way. Were you able to unlock all the divines?

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 18
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Seniority: 130 days


Loved this event! I got 3 divines without spending a massive amount of passes. I did have a lot of passes saved up though. I took advantage of the weekend deals for getting extra moves. I liked that I could choose which divine I wanted to work towards. And I appreciated the prizes available. I did well! If you plan and budget it was easy to get what I wanted. Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Now this is how you do it! I'm very happy, because I managed to get red giant! I also am very happy with the BMI I received as well. I wish there were more choices, as some moves were a waste, but all in all this has been the best event so far! Keep it up like this please
default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 106
  • Karma: 10 points
A mid event for me, but I am very happy with the rewards I got. Very cute as always.default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 13,201
  • Karma: 10 points
This is my favorite event and agree with all the positive comments! Happy Howrsing! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 710
  • Karma: 10 points
•Kind of hard to get divines without spending passes but that’s on par with Howrse events now default smiley (d)

•Graphics were so cute for the season!

•Actually decent BMIs (ie, Golden Fleece & Titans Challenge) at some of the checkpoints

•Progressing was a little confusing due to the different pathways one could take; I finished one but not the others
  • Posted messages: 88
  • Karma: 10 points
I loved this event more than any others because I finally got a chance at not one, but two divines! And, the Red Giant was on my dream list. I wish more games gave us a fair chance at a divine, especially if we’re starting from zero fragments. 10/10 on this game, and the prizes from the main 600m hike were really great as well!
  • Posted messages: 261
  • Karma: 10 points
I always loved the hike, and this year is no different default smiley :)
Saving my moves for the last weekend really paid off. Got Vanilla, Hippocampus and the default smiley (l) divine for under a thousand passes.
  • Posted messages: 51
  • Karma: 10 points
My favourite promo after the cards, always enjoy this one. Very happy with my rewards and the two divines I've collected verses what I chose to spend.

I managed to pick up the Xmas divine for free on the English speaking regional servers, and the love on one too with minimal spending default smiley (y)

Just need a few more fragments for white dwarf from tomorrow's objectives now.
  • Posted messages: 17,158
  • Karma: 10 points
quite liked this one - I got 4 divines and fragments for next time so that was nice. default smiley (l)
Christy's E Ticket
  • Posted messages: 21,050
  • Karma: 10 points
I loved this event overall. I definitely preferred it to last year’s Maze, because with the Maze you really have to stay on top of getting on after a certain number of hours to make sure you don’t lose movement points due to overfill, and the Holidays are BUSY. Only having to make sure to get on once a day, and the ability to save your tokens for the end of the event when the price of moving side-to-side drops was really great.

Things to consider:
1) apparently, some people’s daily additional tokens were subject to using specific cards, like moving the Yule Log, and then either the card OR the requisite Yule Log wouldn’t appear. That’s bad.
2) There would often be a mismatch between what cards we had available and what was ahead of us — for instance, only one movement card of x3 steps, but only one step forward was possible, or lots of obstacles that we didn’t have the correct card to pass them, resulting in lots of wasted tokens maneuvering around them. I understand this will happen occasionally, but it was happening a LOT, and it’s really frustrating if we are using our own passes to buy more tokens, only to feel like we’re wasting them.
3) I think due to 2), the cost of getting some of the portal divines was kind of steep.

Again, I had a great time, and this event was a lot of fun.
  • Posted messages: 62
  • Karma: 10 points
I really enjoyed the event and I won all of the divines, however it cost me almost $200 USD to do so, which is by far the most real money I've spent on this game.
  • Posted messages: 7
  • Karma: 10 points
I went for the Christmas divine, the love divine and Red Gaint. Got them. Only wish is that the game provided away to exchange cards when stuck with a daily task and you can't get it done because you don't have a card. But this situation only happened on my very last day. Which I plan on not using any passes as it would not get me to the next check point anyway.
  • Posted messages: 1,819
  • Karma: 10 points
Got two divines without spending any passes, so I'd say this was a very generous event default smiley :) Also very much liked the other prizes as well.

I must say I don't think the daily additional token objectives were unfair because you had five hikes to work with, so usually even if you couldn't complete the objective on the hike you were focusing on, you probably could on one of the others. There were a couple of days I couldn't complete one of the objectives and I wasn't very careful with the tokes, nor did I wait till lane change cost only 1 token, but I still managed to get those two divines, so I must say this was a crazy cheap event.
  • Posted messages: 6
  • Karma: 10 points
I can't buy passes, so maybe that is part of it. But it was boring and complicated and I kind of gave up
  • Posted messages: 114
  • Karma: 10 points
Pretty uneventful tbh. Rewards weren't that great. Progression wasn't possible unless you spent hundred or thousands of pass. Not worth the time or rewards. Played everyday as much as possible as a f2p and got junk and hardly any divine progress.
  • Posted messages: 19
  • Karma: 10 points
I felt like, compared to previous Christmas events, this one fast frighteningly more expensive if you wanted the divine before/on the 25th. It seemed like for the amount of passes I spent on this event I could have gotten more from it last year.
That being said I love the design for Veselé Vánoce absolutely adore it. Best part of the event is always the Christmas divines
  • Posted messages: 1,056
  • Karma: 10 points
Didn’t win any divines. Didn’t make it to the first major check point—might of if the event ran till next week. Please no more of this event for 2025. I hope that event for Christmas 2025 is reindeer based.
  • Posted messages: 15,635
  • Karma: 10 points
Got vanilla and red giant without spending passes. Overall very generous, I was expecting to spend at least a couple hundred passes to get both. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 3,095
  • Karma: 10 points
The event is an expected event each year. I have never been able to complete one. This year I used passes to get further. Still, I was not able to complete it. I did not have the available things to complete the mission. One of the reasons was the available cards did not surface as I needed them. default smiley :(
broken star stables
  • Posted messages: 10
  • Karma: 10 points
I wasn't able to restart the hike for one of the other divines after I missed the fragments at the first checkpoint, so maybe that can be improved with the next hike.
  • Posted messages: 5
  • Karma: 10 points
Really appreciate how cheap it was to get the divines. I restarted on a different server and walked away with the love divine, as well as all the good checkpoint prizes for the Christmas divine hike. I didn't spend a single pass, I just saved up my tokens.

That said, I didn't really appreciate that players were locked out once the divine gate was done, even if there were still fragments. In previous years, we could go back in, so this just felt a bit mean. I personally didn't miss any, but it happened to so many people. Fragments should be credited at the checkpoint, regardless of where you landed on it.
  • Posted messages: 11,227
  • Karma: 10 points
Overall very pleased, walked away with 3 divines, over 300 frags for Red Giant, and over 500 frags for White Dwarf. Spent somewhere between 2500-3000 passes, but I had no fragments for any of my divines when the event started.

I think my biggest thing would be, there were times where in the hike I was in the cards or logs weren't in the same hike. So I missed out on a few tokens, my suggestion would be to add in the event Help section(the info about it) that if you can't accomplish the daily objective, try a different of the hikes for a few KM and see if you can do it there.

Second, I think you should be able to re-enter if you missed a set of frags. Not that the whole thing resets, but at least be able to try you hand at getting to the checkpoint you missed to pick up the rest of the fragments needed. OR as Oathkeeper suggested, you should pick up the fragments as you pass through the checkpoint. It was at times hard to be where you needed to be to pick them up.
  • Posted messages: 131
  • Karma: 10 points
My actual first time completing the hike (I gave up all the previous ones cause it was so tedious).

I think it was well worth it with VV as the prize, as well as several luck items that I won! I also managed to get 150 fragments of Red Giant and I didn't spend a pass the entire event!

Speaking as a casual player, i think the event went great and the prize was generous. Wtih good planning and patience, multiple divines could probably be won. However if we could restart the hikes when we're done that'd make things even better!
  • Posted messages: 807
  • Karma: 10 points
My only complaint was the frequency with which I was forced to use a sideways move because the board was stacked with obstacles and I couldn't manage to get a card to jump them. Kept moving sideways, only to face another obstacle and have to repeatedly move sideways. Otherwise, happy to get the gifts I did plus the fragments for the main board and enough to add to what I already had to get the divine on one of the divine boards
  • Posted messages: 37,421
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I was close to finishing up Red Giant but I turned off my morning alarm when I was still awake and exhausted at 3 am, so I slept past the deadline and lost out on the last 200 fragments I needed. Oh well.

I did get VV for free, and was able to get a small number of fragments in a divine gate. So not too bad overall, though it was rather tedious as I saved all tokens but the ones required for daily objectives until the switch promotion showed up. Slogged through a few hundred tokens in one day.
  • Posted messages: 1,015
  • Karma: 10 points