[UPDATE] The Crazy Friday Sales
Lips ended up joining my farm as well, plus Fern. Crossing my fingers my divines are nice today, getting a bit short on the pass side.
Snow's skills are determined by the color of his name. I think it's random, which color you get. The competitions that he does best in, are also determined by the color of his name. I think his divine page indicates which color name goes with which competition. Mine is orange. he was supposed to be for barrel racing, but I messed up, but he thrives in gallop competitions.
Do his skills improve at all? They're pretty low from what I can see, I'm offered a purple one but his gallop is only 300 something.
No, they don't,. They stay the same the whole time.
It wouldn't surprise me if the skills get increased at some point, as so many older divines have been given a big boost.
I think my equus wallet is crying right now.
Omg LIPS! Soooo much cheaper than I expected! I even ended up having enough passes to buy myself another divine! And here I was scared I would't be able even to get Lips
The prices in auctions are ATRONOMICAL! Glad I was able to get myself a divine there yesterday for an amazing deal
I probably will try again for some divine but I don't think I have enough equus even for some really low quality horse
The prices in auctions are ATRONOMICAL! Glad I was able to get myself a divine there yesterday for an amazing deal I saved up a "lot" (relatively) and yet I can't justify paying that much. I'm happy the players are getting what they want, I'll just try again and again
I have enough to get myself Zephyrus and Boreas! And I'll try for Libonotus in auctions as well
I love love love wind divines!
WOW Puss in Boots was sold about 45,000,000 equus after 170 bids
WOW Scandium was sold about 51,000,000 equus after 120 bids
Finally got a Libonotus! 10 kk but hey, not to bad with how much the previous one went for!
Finally got a Libonotus! 10 kk but hey, not to bad with how much the previous one went for! Very nice! I will wait for him to appear on the direct sale
... "all I want for Christmas is a Taranis..."
Can't seem to get them in the directs for love nor money >_< and prices in auctions so far are INCREDIBLE.... *sigh*
Oh yes Zephyrus is mine finally
Does anyone know how much Cascade, Athos and Gold will be? Will definitely be getting Gold and probably Athos too but idk about Cascade yet
Does anyone know how much Cascade, Athos and Gold will be? Will definitely be getting Gold and probably Athos too but idk about Cascade yet Athos was 2414 last year. I'm not sure on Cascade. This is Gold's first year and he wasn't on test, so we won't know until the reserved sale with him pops up.